Supporting the Financial Wellness Needs of University Students

Woman smiling in front of her phone and computer

Given their hectic schedules and limited time for financial management, specialized credit union products and services can make a significant difference for university students.

Paperwork, while beneficial for all credit union members, offers specific features like debt tracking, educational modules, and document organization, which can make a big difference for university students seeking financial resources.

Debt management features

A prominent feature of the Paperwork app is its focus on debt management, an area especially relevant for those grappling with student loans. Our debt section offers:

  • A chart to track balances of linked loan accounts

  • Interactive modules to formulate a plan for managing student loans, credit card debt, and other liabilities

  • Practical tips for prioritizing debt repayment and understanding interest impacts

  • A dynamic debt score that reflects the user's debt management habits

We provide continuous support in the debt journey, offering guidance, reminders, and encouragement to help students progress.

Bite-sized education

Understanding the time constraints of university students, our financial wellness solution is designed to fit into their bustling lives. Central to this approach are bite-sized learning modules, delivering personalized financial advice in short, manageable segments.

These modules equip members with practical financial knowledge, requiring just a few minutes each week. From budgeting to managing debt to understanding insurance, Paperwork empowers students at every stage of their financial journey – all through the convenience of their mobile phones.

Three university students smiling looking at a computer

Efficient account and document management

For students juggling numerous responsibilities, organizing important financial documents is vital. This includes managing bank accounts, insurance policies, and essential tax planning documents.

The Paperwork Organizer facilitates easy linking of accounts and uploading of documents and pictures, categorizing them into user-friendly sections. Acting as a digital vault with robust security, it ensures that all critical information is securely accessible whenever needed. Students can feel peace of mind knowing that in an emergency, any information they need is safely stored at their fingertips.

We allow users to store any type of document or image they need quick access to, which can be particularly useful for student IDs or even study resources.

About Paperwork

Many credit unions have embraced financial wellness initiatives centered on educational content. However, with technological advancements, they can now profoundly impact their members' financial health with interactive, tailored solutions.

Paperwork delivers a personalized, modern experience in a user-friendly app, making financial health accessible to all. To discover how Paperwork can enhance member engagement in your credit union, we invite you to schedule a demo today.


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